2022-2023 L'IMAGE Project PI Journal
To cite this page: Taniguchi, Ai. 2023. Principal Investigator Journal #4: Leveraging Resources. In University of Toronto Language, Identity, Multiculturalism and Global Empowerment Project (L'IMAGE). Available online at https://www.lingcomics.com/pi-journal-4. Accessed on [date].
Journal #4: Leveraging Resources
![[Page 1, Title Page] Top of page reads: UofT L’IMAGE Project: Language, Identity, Multiculturalism and Global Empowerment Title over bright red banner: Principal Investigator (PI) Journal Subtitle under red banner: Journal #3: Project Costs A highly simplified, comical drawing of two people are seen: one has short dark hair and is wearing a t-shirt with the text “IEC”. The other person is Ai, and her t-shirt says “L’IMAGE.” They are high-fiving. Bottom right of page: University of Toronto Mississauga logo and University of Toronto logos are visible.](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/7f9bd2_c2e4efd3df1d4af9b19101a165529099~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_600,h_600,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/J04-leveraging_001.png)
![[Page 2] Top panel: Ai is seen at the bottom of the panel, and her head, only above her mouth, is seen. She is looking up at the narration box with a comically serious expression. Hand-written text to her right reads, “ISEF: International Student Experience Fund”. Ai’s narration: When you apply for an ISEF grant, you have to explain how you are going to “leverage existing resources”. Bottom panel: A square page of a comic is seen, with a right arrow to its right, pointing to a question mark. Ai’s narration: This basically means that you have to intentionally think about how your project can both make use of and benefit resources and services that exist at U of T already. You need to avoid redundancy and think about collaborations that will be logical, enriching, and beneficial.](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/7f9bd2_f9ec494617c44768b41d9b4cae71a240~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_600,h_600,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/J04-leveraging_002.png)
![[Page 3] Top panel: Two people are smiling at the readers: on the left is Gilbert, and to the right is Veronia. Gilbert has a dark, quiff-style haircut (long and swept back at the top, short on the sides), and Veronica has dark, wavy hair that is medium length. She is wearing large circle earrings. In black and white, they are depicted as having light skin. Ai’s narration: I approached the UTM International Education Centre about my L’IMAGE Project. I thought that the connections and platforms they have might be beneficial for my project. Bottom panel: A mini Gilbert and a mini Ai are high-fiving with a comically serious expression. Ai’s narration: To my relief, they were extremely enthusiastic about L’IMAGE!! Thus, my collab with Gilbert (Assistant Director, Intercultural and Global Initiatives) began.](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/7f9bd2_ddac841b214f4d7386e23775cc9c6d98~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_600,h_600,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/J04-leveraging_003.png)
![[Page 4] Top panel: Gilbert has an excited expression, and is making an upwards pointing gesture with his right hand, as if he has an idea. Hand-written text around him reads: Student leader training! International student orientation! Newsletteres! English Convo Circle@ Social Media! Ai’s narration: The IEC provides tons of programs to support global students at UTM, including international student support. There are so many natural places in their programs where my L’IMAGE comics fit in! Bottom panel: Rough skeches of three Instagram reels are seen. Each of them seems to be a L’IMAGE linguistics reel. Ai’s narration: They have been sharing my comics on their social media, which is amazing because of the student audience that they already have. IEC student workers even made reel version of the L’IMAGE “5-Minute Linguistics” lessons!!! (Emphasis on reel)](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/7f9bd2_a712c84328f64b829f915e8b81b0082e~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_600,h_600,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/J04-leveraging_004.png)
![[Page 5] Top panel: Gilbert has angel wings and is holding a star-shaped wand emitting sparkles. Above him, hand-written text with sparkles says “IEC magic”. Ai’s narration: Gilbert is so creative, thoughtful, and proactive with the L’IMAGE project, I could honestly cry. Iknow that he does so much work to make everything happen, but I describe the grace with which he does it “IEC Magic” lol. Bottom panel: Ai, with tears in her left eye, has both hands on the side of her head (as if having a head ache). She is saying “How do I order catering?!”. Gilbert with a cat-like expression is seen saying, “lol I ordered the pizzas for you already (heart emoji)”. Ai’s narration: Gilbert and other folks at the IEC help me take care of so many behind-the-scenes stuff. As with my RA, their support is what allows for me to focus on making the comics. The IEC has been incredibly helpful. (emphasis on incredibly).](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/7f9bd2_9faeb98aed8f40c190fe540bd04b9d8e~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_600,h_600,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/J04-leveraging_005.png)
![[Page 6] Top panel: Gilbert is seen talking to a girl with shoulder-length dark hair, wearing glasses. It’s probably Kelly from the very first L’IMAGE story. Ai’s narration: What I’ve learned through this project is that there are so many people outside of my department that care about students and linguistic diversity in the same way that I do. I chrish the connections I’ve made. I am very proud of how interdisciplinary and collaborative this project is. That’s how outreach projects outght to be. Bottom panel: Ai is squinting her eyes and waving with both hands to the readers, smiling with her mouth open. Ai’s narration: Thank you for reading! Next time, I’ll tell you about how being neurospicy is related to this project. Text at bottom of panel: See you next time!](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/7f9bd2_c159373cb8f0412e99bc899c1242bea4~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_600,h_600,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/J04-leveraging_006.png)
![[Page 9] Page title: About the L’IMAGE project Project PI and comic artist: Ai Taniguchi, Assistant Professor, UTM Department of Language Studies Research Assistant: Haili Su, MA Student, UTSG Department of Linguistics Special thanks to: Gilbert Lin, Assistant Director, Intercultural & Global Initiatives, UTM International Education Centre With the generous support of: UofT International Student Experience Fund, UTM Department of Language Studies, UTM International Education Centre Learn more: http://www.lingcomics.com Bottom right of page shows the University of Toronto Mississauga logo and the University of Toronto logo.](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/7f9bd2_f539306ab95845009f203731bff796df~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_600,h_600,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/7f9bd2_f539306ab95845009f203731bff796df~mv2.png)
L’IMAGE PI Journal #4: Leveraging Resources
Alt-Text with long description
[Page 1, Title Page]
Top of page reads: UofT L’IMAGE Project: Language, Identity, Multiculturalism and Global Empowerment
Title over bright red banner: Principal Investigator (PI) Journal
Subtitle under red banner: Journal #4: Leveraging Resources
A highly simplified, comical drawing of two people are seen: one has short dark hair and is wearing a t-shirt with the text “IEC”. The other person is Ai, and her t-shirt says “L’IMAGE.” They are high-fiving.
Bottom right of page: University of Toronto Mississauga logo and University of Toronto logos are visible.
[Long description of text and images in the comic strip:]
The comic strips in the L’IMAGE comic series uses the font Ames, which is the standard font for comics. Ames is an all-caps font. However, Alt-Texts for this project are not written in all-caps so that they will be more accessible for screen readers.
The comic artist for the series is Dr. Ai Taniguchi. Her drawing style can be described as: Japanese manga inspired, cute, large eyes, intentionally sketchy and unpolished line art, simplified, expressive. The comic strips are all digital, but she uses a pen that mimics the line weight of a traditional fountain pen. Her line art is on average 0.5mm in width (relatively thin), but the line weight varies and looks hand-drawn.
The title page of each comic strip is in color. It has a University of Toronto color scheme: navy blue, light blue, and bright red. The background is white with a navy blue frame. The references page and the “About the L’IMAGE project” page also have this University of Toronto color scheme.
The comic strips themselves are black and white, and employ digital screen tones for shading and backgrounds.
[Page 2]
Top panel: Ai is seen at the bottom of the panel, and her head, only above her mouth, is seen. She is looking up at the narration box with a comically serious expression. Hand-written text to her right reads, “ISEF: International Student Experience Fund”.
Ai’s narration: When you apply for an ISEF grant, you have to explain how you are going to “leverage existing resources”.
Bottom panel: A square page of a comic is seen, with a right arrow to its right, pointing to a question mark.
Ai’s narration: This basically means that you have to intentionally think about how your project can both make use of and benefit resources and services that exist at U of T already. You need to avoid redundancy and think about collaborations that will be logical, enriching, and beneficial.
[Page 3]
Top panel: Two people are smiling at the readers: on the left is Gilbert, and to the right is Veronia. Gilbert has a dark, quiff-style haircut (long and swept back at the top, short on the sides), and Veronica has dark, wavy hair that is medium length. She is wearing large circle earrings. In black and white, they are depicted as having light skin.
Ai’s narration: I approached the UTM International Education Centre about my L’IMAGE Project. I thought that the connections and platforms they have might be beneficial for my project.
Bottom panel: A mini Gilbert and a mini Ai are high-fiving with a comically serious expression.
Ai’s narration: To my relief, they were extremely enthusiastic about L’IMAGE!! Thus, my collab with Gilbert (Assistant Director, Intercultural and Global Initiatives) began.
[Page 4]
Top panel: Gilbert has an excited expression, and is making an upwards pointing gesture with his right hand, as if he has an idea. Hand-written text around him reads: Student leader training! International student orientation! Newsletteres! English Convo Circle@ Social Media!
Ai’s narration: The IEC provides tons of programs to support global students at UTM, including international student support. There are so many natural places in their programs where my L’IMAGE comics fit in!
Bottom panel: Rough skeches of three Instagram reels are seen. Each of them seems to be a L’IMAGE linguistics reel.
Ai’s narration: They have been sharing my comics on their social media, which is amazing because of the student audience that they already have. IEC student workers even made reel version of the L’IMAGE “5-Minute Linguistics” lessons!!! (Emphasis on reel)
[Page 5]
Top panel: Gilbert has angel wings and is holding a star-shaped wand emitting sparkles. Above him, hand-written text with sparkles says “IEC magic”.
Ai’s narration: Gilbert is so creative, thoughtful, and proactive with the L’IMAGE project, I could honestly cry. Iknow that he does so much work to make everything happen, but I describe the grace with which he does it “IEC Magic” lol.
Bottom panel: Ai, with tears in her left eye, has both hands on the side of her head (as if having a head ache). She is saying “How do I order catering?!”. Gilbert with a cat-like expression is seen saying, “lol I ordered the pizzas for you already (heart emoji)”.
Ai’s narration: Gilbert and other folks at the IEC help me take care of so many behind-the-scenes stuff. As with my RA, their support is what allows for me to focus on making the comics. The IEC has been incredibly helpful. (emphasis on incredibly).
[Page 6]
Top panel: Gilbert is seen talking to a girl with shoulder-length dark hair, wearing glasses. It’s probably Kelly from the very first L’IMAGE story.
Ai’s narration: What I’ve learned through this project is that there are so many people outside of my department that care about students and linguistic diversity in the same way that I do. I chrish the connections I’ve made. I am very proud of how interdisciplinary and collaborative this project is. That’s how outreach projects outght to be.
Bottom panel: Ai is squinting her eyes and waving with both hands to the readers, smiling with her mouth open.
Ai’s narration: Thank you for reading! Next time, I’ll tell you about how being neurospicy is related to this project.
Text at bottom of panel: See you next time!
[Page 7]
Page title: About the L’IMAGE project
Project PI and comic artist: Ai Taniguchi, Assistant Professor, UTM Department of Language Studies
Research Assistant: Haili Su, MA Student, UTSG Department of Linguistics
Special thanks to: Gilbert Lin, Assistant Director, Intercultural & Global Initiatives, UTM International Education Centre
With the generous support of: UofT International Student Experience Fund, UTM Department of Language Studies, UTM International Education Centre
Learn more: http://www.lingcomics.com
Bottom right of page shows the University of Toronto Mississauga logo and the University of Toronto logo.